Streamlining ERP Systems with AI: Revolutionising Data Entry

Data Entry has always been a pain point for ERPs, a lot of man hours is lost in this endeavour. Leveraging LLMs to create data entry agents is a great practical application of AI

 · 2 min read


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are essential for modern businesses, optimising operations and improving cross-departmental communication. A significant challenge within these systems is the labor-intensive and error-prone process of data entry from diverse documents like PDFs, Excel files, or scanned images. This includes handling various documents such as purchase orders, invoices, and resumes. While Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has traditionally been used to automate these tasks, Artificial Intelligence (AI) now presents a more scalable and efficient solution.

RPA vs AI: The Data Entry Landscape

Traditionally, RPA has been used to automate repetitive tasks like data transfer between applications. Despite its benefits in reducing labor and errors, RPA's scalability and adaptability are limited. With the advent of Large Language Models (LLM) and generative AI, AI-based solutions are becoming a more promising option for widespread adoption.

AI-Based Data Entry: Advantages in ERP Systems

AI-driven solutions outperform RPA with several key benefits:

  1. Scalability: AI can handle multiple use cases without the intensive setup required by RPA.
  2. Layout Interpretation: AI solutions can decipher various document layouts, extracting relevant data without human oversight.
  3. Terminology Adaptation: AI can learn and adapt to company-specific terminology, ensuring accurate data integration.
  4. Unit of Measure Interpretation: AI can recognise different units of measure, crucial for consistent data entry.
  5. Create Missing Master Data: AI can check in ERP systems for missing master data and create them as required. With good training even spelling deviations can be discovered and matched.
  6. Performance: AI processes data faster and more accurately by learning from new data sets.

Harnessing AI for Competitive Advantage

Implementing AI in ERP systems enhances operational efficiency in several ways:

  1. Efficiency: AI processes documents more swiftly and accurately than both manual entry and RPA.
  2. Data Quality: Reduced human intervention minimise errors, enhancing data reliability.
  3. Cost Savings: Reducing manual labor translates to significant cost reductions.
  4. Agility: AI adapts to new business demands and evolving document formats, keeping companies competitive.


As the volume of business data grows, it’s increasingly important for companies to adopt advanced technologies like AI to optimise their ERP systems. AI-driven data entry not only boosts efficiency but also provides significant strategic advantages, positioning enterprises for success in a dynamic business environment.

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